Glossary: A-C D-F G-L M-P Q-S T-Z
TAKE-IT-OR-LEAVE-IT PALLET - a pallet fitted with fixed cleats on the top deckboards to permit fork truck tines to pass beneath the unit load and remove it from the pallet
TOP CAP - panel to be placed on top of a unit load to allow for tight strapping without damaging the unit load
TOP-DECK OF THE PALLET - the assembly of deckboards comprising the upper load-carrying surface of the pallet
TRIP - consists of four to six handlings of a pallet
TWO-WAY ENTRY PALLET - a pallet with unnotched solid stringers allowing entry only from the ends
UNIT LOAD - assembly of goods on a pallet for handling, moving, storing and stacking as a single entity
WAREHOUSE PALLET - a double-face multiple trip returnable pallet intended for general warehouse use
WING - overhang of deckboard end from outside edge of stringer or stringerboard
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