Glossary: A-C D-F G-L M-P Q-S T-Z
ANNULAR NAIL - pallet nail with annular (circular ring) threads rolled onto the shank
BANDING NOTCH - see strap slot
BIN - four sided superstructure to be mounted on a pallet base, with or without a cover; also known as a box or container bin pallet
BLOCK - rectangular, square or cylindrical deck spacer, often identified by its location within the pallet as corner block, end block, edge block, inner block, center or middle block
BLOCK PALLET - a type of pallet with blocks between the pallet decks or beneath the top deck
BUTTED DECKBOARD - an inner deckboard placed tightly against an adjacent lead deckboard during pallet assembly
BOTTOM DECK - assembly of deckboards comprising the lower, load bearing surface of the pallet
CAD - computer-aided-design software that allows the design of the "right" pallet at the best value; see Pallet Design System (PDS)
CAPTIVE PALLET - a pallet intended for use within the confines of a single facility, system or ownership; not intended to be exchanged
CHAMFERED DECKBOARDS - deckboards with edges of one or two faces beveled, either along the full or specified length of board or between the stringers or blocks, allowing easier entry of pallet jack wheels
CLOSED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - shipping system restricted to moving goods between specified plants and facilities
COLLAR - Collapsible wooden container or bin which transforms a pallet into a box
COST-PASS THROUGH - a cost-share system where the partial cost of a pallet is passed-through from the purchaser to the receiver of the pallet
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